Huarahi Tika
PUKUmahi! roadmap for engagement with Māori

The NETwork! project is committed to ongoing partnership with Māori in a way that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Therefore, we have developed this framework to guide the project. Kawa (guiding principles) provide a frame of reference for project governance and tikanga (cultural protocols) ensure that we adhere to kawa. A traffic light system shows the progress we have made and what we hope to achieve.
Green: process, role or partnership is established.
Yellow: process, role or partnership currently in development.
Red: process, role or partnership yet to be established.
The arrows represent roads of input. Sometimes these are unidirectional (input is only one-way) and some are bidirectional (both hubs informing each other).
Last updated 04/04/2022:
Unfortunately, due to the effects of covid-19, we have been unable to carry out the required discussions and critical review of our progress for the April 2022 update. The next update will occur before 1 June 2022.
Update 31/10/2021:
We are committed to this framework and will update this page with progress periodically, honestly showing where we have progressed and where we have slipped. The next update will occur before 1st April 2022.
What lights have changed and why?