NET Clinical Nurse Specialist

Friday 12 December 2014 Our NET Clinical Nurse Specialist, Avril Hull, will be on maternity leave from the end of this week. Whilst away, Avril’s duties on the project will be covered by Rebecca Bruce. Becs can be contacted by email. We wish Avril all the best...

NETwork! data presented at NZSO

Friday 24 October 2014 We were delighted to have abstracts accepted for publication at NZSO this month. Two posters and two oral presentations were presented outlining preliminary data from the project. To view the posters, please see the following links: The New...

NETwork! Roadshows Underway

Tuesday 23 September 2014 Over the last few months we have been preparing visits to some of our sites outside of Auckland to discuss the research project, and the treatment of neuroendocrine cancer in general, with some of the DHB staff involved in NETwork! So far we...

NETwork! Research to be presented at NZSO

Tuesday 2 September 2014 We were delighted that three abstracts based on the NETwork! project were accepted for presentation at the New Zealand Oncology Society meeting, held in Tauranga in October.